Music4Change is back at MTL, June 10, 2006!
Music4Change – Drop your own beat!
Music4Change and Oxfam Canada return for its 3rd exciting event at MTL in the nation's capital! On Saturday, June 10, drop your own beat and groove to the tunes of Emily Jones and djK for an evening to raise awareness about Oxfam Canada's work promoting women's rights. Based on the UK's incredible music4life club series, this extraordinary gathering sets a new standard for the party scene with a unique event that blends global rhythms and awareness of women’s rights, bringing positive vibes to club culture. What is important to you? If you know, or especially if you don’t, come down to MTL and find out! Featuring Oxfam’s signature Oxtini and complementary world foods, there’s never been a better reason to dance the night away, discover your passion and raise awareness about women’s rights, so what are you waiting for? Get your tickets beginning May 25 at Allegro (55-1/2 William Street), Oxfam Canada (400-250 City Centre Ave) or email
Saturday, June 10, 2006
7:00 – 10:30 p.m.
MTL, 47/49 William St Ottawa, ON
Tickets in advance email:
$6 in advance, 2 for $10 or $7 at the door